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The "M" word.... Easily the most confused and abused environmental "contaminant" in the world. 


There is so much misinformation and fear based for profit industry based around Mold it causes massive confusion and more often than not more stress, anxiety and financial drain that it ever rightly should.  Mold is simply part of the FungI Kingdom and is prevalent in every structure and for that manner Every corner of the globe.  


 Our approach to mold inspections are as a third party unbiased entity and based on scientifically backed approaches utilizing the tutelage and publications of one of the predominant industrial Forensic Hygienists Mr. Caoimhín P. Connell's from Bailey, Colorado.  Mr. Connell, is considered one of the the foremost experts on mold/fungus in Colorado and spends much of his professional life testifying in court against unscrupulous "mold inspectors and deceptive remediation contractors".  

If you are interested in science based approach to mold inspections feel free to contact us to discuss your Specific situation. 

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Mold  Myth Busting
  • Mold cannot thrive without a constant introduction of moisture. This is why moisture control, sourcing and levels are the most important aspects for management, per the EPA and World Health Organization. 

  • If anyone you are working uses the term "Toxic Black Mold" it should be a red flag. While black Colored Fungi species can absolutely be dangerous there are many situations when black colored fungi or associated dormant Hyphal Fragments are present and it is not as dangerous as presented.

  • Snap-shot air quality sampling or direct mold surface sampling is not scientifically valid data collection.  While these methods can occasionally can be a useful part of a clearance process post remediation, they are Not very probative when contrasted with moisture detection and visual/olfactory inspection. This type of sampling is a great dog and pony show that Elevates billing and can create either a greater sense of safety or peril, even though the data is soft.

  • The EPA has zero regulations or standards associated with airborne mold contaminants as opposed to asbestos or Lead-based paint. 

  • Knowing the species or "Flavor" of mold present in a particular situation is not scientifically useful due to potential massive variations in collection methods skewing results and the process of remediation for the most dangerous or innocuous species is exactly the same.  

  • MOld is prevalent in every structure and "Toxic" or Mycotoxin emitting species are present in every home.  For a moment imagine what is thriving in Your P-trap, sink overflow cavity, garbage disposal or basement floor drain.  It isn't about these types of fungi being present it is about is infestation due to consistent moisture introduction in an area of a Structure it should not be.

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