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Lead-Based Paint                                                                  

Lead is a soft pliable metal found in multiple products including bullets, paint, varnashes, shellacs, ceramics, piping, solders, gasoline, batteries and even cosmetics. Today, federal and state regulatory standards help to limit and/or prevent lead hazards from being added to consumer products and utilized in occupational settings.

Lead-based paint in older homes, old piping, contaminated soil, household dust, drinking water, lead crystal, and lead-glazed pottery are the leading sources of lead exposure in the United States.

House with lead based paint
Victorian asbestos and lead paint testing and inspection
Did you know?
  • The #1 source of contaminated soil is leaded gasoline

  • Age and condition of Lead based paint are factors in regard to level of hazard - the older and more deteriorated the paint, the more of a risk it posess

  • When ingested, lead is mistaken by the body for calcium

  • Lead is used in building components such as roofing, cornices, electrical conduits, and water and sewage pipe

  • Biggest uses for lead today: batteries an bullets

  • Health effects of lead poisoning can be found in the:


Nervous System


Cardiovascular System

Reproductive System

Paint cans with potential lead based paint
  • RRP Compliant Lead based paint inspection and report  - We'll locate, identify and report on specific building components painted with lead based paint 
  • Professional consultation - We'll help you find the most cost effective way to deal with lead based paint in your home or office
  • Soil Sampling 
  • Lead dust sampling
  • RRP Clearance Sampling


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Contact Anderson Property at 719.640.8489 or email to learn more

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